Home >> Terms and Contract Conditions
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, it is stated that this page corresponds to the entity:
NIF: B56713258
Mail 1: outdoorpyreneessl@gmail.com
Web 1: www.wearecanyoneers.com
Web 2: www.reservaonline.support/wearecanyoneers/index.html
Web 3: www.guiasdeordesa.com
Volume: 709, Book: 0, Folio: 39, Section: 8, Page: HU 15436
Registration or annotation: 1 / Date: 12/14/2023 Pre year: 2023
In general terms, the following clauses will be binding from the moment the client makes the reservation for the services of OUTDOOR PYRENEES S.L.
From the confirmation of the reservation, the client will expressly assume all of these General Conditions. In the event that a person registers another person/s, he/she assumes on his/her behalf each and every one of these General Conditions. In the event that the client acts on behalf of a group, he undertakes to send the information on the informed consent and the contract conditions to his representatives. In the case of minors, the adult in charge assumes on his/her behalf each and every one of these General Conditions. Minors must provide authorization signed by their parents or legal guardians or be accompanied by them.
As these are physical activities, the participant must communicate their pathology when making their reservation (no later), to evaluate the possibility of carrying out the activity in safe conditions. Participants must take into account physical and health conditions for mountain and aquatic activities. For aquatic activities, it is an essential requirement to know how to swim. Communication of medical conditions is mandatory. The company reserves the right to deny participation if medical problems, overweight or limitations are not reported.
If you cannot carry out the scheduled activity, the amount will not be refunded. Participants must follow the guides' instructions and provide exact measurements for the equipment.
Reservations and requests for information can be made by telephone, e-mail, WhatsApp or the online booking engine that OUTDOOR PYRENEES S.L. makes available on their websites.
No reservation will be binding until the client has accepted the offer and paid the deposit amount as detailed below. Reservations are considered confirmed once payment is received, at least 12 hours in advance of the activity start time.
At the time of formalizing the reservation, a percentage of the total amount of the contracted activity will be charged, which will be different depending on the activity(s) contracted (approximately 20%). The remaining amount will be paid at the office in cash or credit card, before the start of the activity. Groups of 6 people or more, at the time of formalizing the reservation, must pay 50% of the total of the activity. The remaining amount will be paid at the office in cash or credit card, before the start of the activity. By confirming the reservation, the client accepts all of these Contract Conditions.
The minimum group for the development of the activities is 3-4 people (depends on the activity). If on the day reserved for the activity there is no minimum group of 3-4 people, the client can choose between paying a supplement of 10€ per person or canceling the activity.
Packages or multi-adventure packs must be booked before the first activity. Carrying out consecutive activities without having previously contracted a package implies that the rates will not have the discount provided for in the packages.
Payments for purchases are made through websites that comply with SLL protocols and a payment gateway associated with the BBVA bank is used with the 3DSecure system, redirecting the data to secure servers without OUTDOOR PYRENEES S.L. can access or store them.
Payment is made at the canyoneers office in Aínsa in cash or credit card:
Avenida Ordesa 12, floor 0. 22330 - Ainsa (Huesca).
In cases where the meeting point is outside the office, payment must be made in cash to the guide.
Payments are made the day before or the same day of the activity before it takes place. Packages or multi-adventure packs are paid for the day before the first activity or the same day, in full and in one go.
In the case of people who do not have a bank account in a bank in the European Union, payment must be made in cash.
IMPORTANT: You must understand that the number of places per guide is limited and that if you occupy them and someone does not come, the company has lost the possibility of selling them to other participants.
The management and organization of the guides and monitors provided for an activity entails expenses and damages that the client must assume when making the reservation.
If the client wants to cancel a reservation and does so more than 10 days in advance, the refund of the amount paid as a deposit will have a penalty of 1€ per person. Whenever possible, it will be made through the same payment method.
If the client wants to cancel a reservation and does so less than 10 days in advance, the amount paid as a deposit will not be refundable.
In the event that the company could not carry out an activity due to force majeure and had to cancel the activity, the refund will be 100% of the amount paid to date, without any type of penalty. The company reserves the right to change the program due to weather or internal conditions.
The weather conditions in the Huesca Pyrenees are unpredictable until the day of the activity. Storm forecasts more than 24 hours in advance are not grounds for cancellation.
In the event of adverse weather, meteorological and/or hydrological conditions, with the group's safety in mind, the company may cancel or replace the activities with others of a similar nature that do not entail as much risk. Only the organizing company may cancel the scheduled activity in case of doubt or potential dangers, since they are the true experts of the area and the circumstances to carry it out or cancel it (never by the client of the criteria or interpretation that they may make).
When the reliability of the weather forecast is low, it is the same day of the activity that the company decides to carry out or cancel the activity. In case of cancellation, the refund will be 100% of the amount paid to date, without any type of penalty. The client cannot change the reservation to another day unless it is the organization that decides to suspend it. In case of cancellation by the company, if possible it will be replaced by a new date, always seeking to satisfy the client's needs.
The company has Civil Liability and Accident Insurance for participants.
The activities we carry out take place in a natural environment, the mountains, which must be respected and which requires responsible environmental behavior.
The client assumes that the contracted activities have an inherent risk, they are carried out in a natural environment, not controlled by man and that they have risks that cannot be completely controlled by the guide and the company. In the field of active tourism and adventure sports there is a potential risk derived from its very nature. The most common injuries are: minor bruises, ankle or knee sprains, shoulder dislocation... and in some cases it can lead to bone breakage. In an almost zero percentage, accidents can become more serious (vertebra break, drowning, etc.). The decision to participate in these activities assumes that the participant assumes the risk inherent to the activity and must be based on the understanding of these realities.
The guide is the one who directs the activity, it is mandatory to abide by his decisions during the practice of the activity.
OUTDOOR PYRENEES S.L. reserves the right of admission to all organized activities. The client accepts the intrinsic risk derived from the activities, therefore, the physical, technical and psychological demands and requirements that must be met to carry them out.
As a participant in the activity, the client has the obligation to inform the company OUTDOOR PYRENEES S.L. in advance, at the same time of making the reservation if they suffer from any illness (cardiovascular, paraplegia, nervous or psychological problems, any injury and/or special need). of the participants) or pregnancy that may influence the development of the activity. We do not carry out any type of activity with pregnant people. In case of cancellation, they will be governed by the deadlines stipulated in these conditions. The client must communicate if any of the participants require specific medication or present any health risk that may affect the normal development of the activity. Failure to communicate these medical circumstances when making the reservation (and especially overweight or lack of physical aptitude to carry out the activity), may lead to the organization or the guides themselves lasting upon departure, deny the activity to the participant without refund of any kind. The client must communicate any psychomotor problem and/or physical or sensory limitation, so that the activity can be carried out safely.
The client must inform when making their reservation if among the participants there are children under 6 years of age and/or people over 60 years of age in order to try to adapt the activity appropriately. Failure to communicate this when making the reservation may result in its cancellation without any refund. In the case of people over 60 years of age, they should know that injuries produced at that age can have a worse recovery than in younger people in the event of an injury. When deciding to hire the activity, they must assume any risk or injury that may occur, exempting the company OUTDOOR PYRENEES S.L. from all liability. and the guides.
Indicative difficulty levels are established. Technical or level 3 activities require good physical condition and technical knowledge. In the event that the client voluntarily, due to ignorance of the activity, not having sufficient physical fitness, not being in optimal conditions to carry out the activity or when the guide considers that he cannot carry out the scheduled activity, Under no circumstances will the amount corresponding to said activity be refunded. In any case, and especially for advanced level activities, the company may choose to carry out a prior test.
The client agrees not to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other medication that may affect their ability to react. If this is the case and after assessing his situation, the guide may prohibit him from accessing the activity, without the right to a refund of the amount paid.
If on the day of the activity the client does not have the appropriate footwear or clothing required by the company for each of the activities, the guide may prohibit access to the activity, without the right to a refund of the amount paid. The client must return the material delivered by the organization in the same condition that it was provided or pay its value in case of loss or deterioration. In the event of an accident, the participant will assume the cost of the affected material. In activities with minors, the adult in charge authorizes and assumes responsibility for the material provided by the company.
The company is not responsible for the loss or damage of clients' personal belongings. It is recommended not to bring cell phones or electronic devices to water activities, and avoid carrying any valuable items such as jewelry, watches, glasses...
If a specific canyon is not indicated, the company will decide it, always taking into account the level of activity requested by the client, the level of river flows, weather forecast for the day of the activity, accumulated precipitation in the days prior to the activity in the area, conditions and characteristics of the group...
The order of the activities will be subject to weather conditions and group distribution, with the company being responsible for adjusting the order as necessary. Always seeking to satisfy customer needs.
Activities do not include transportation. Clients must travel in their own vehicle. The activities are located between 20 and 45 minutes by car from the office in Aínsa. Although for reasons of force majeure, activities could be carried out at a greater distance.
In the Miraval and Estaroniello canyons, the activity parking is accessed via an unpaved municipal mountain track, after paying 3€ to access the track. At the beginning of the track there is a ticket dispensing machine, which after inserting the cash (bills and coins) into the machine, prints a ticket that will be the authorization to circulate on the municipal track owned by the Tella-Sin city council. the same day. The ticket must be visible at all times on the vehicle's dashboard during the time the vehicle is parked in the parking lot. It is strongly recommended to save the ticket for at least 6 months after the activity to avoid possible sanctions or problems with the administrations.
All communication prior to and during the development of the activities will be made through the contact telephone numbers published on the web pages: +34 608 331 594 / +34 675 709 338.
The hours and meeting points of the activities are detailed in the voucher that the client receives by email when making the online reservation. Customer punctuality is crucial.
Sometimes the company provides the location where the activity takes place through a Google Maps link to make it easier for users to get to the parking lot where the activity begins. The client must appear promptly
Eat in the assigned place (not another place that you could interpret) without moving from the place until the guide arrives.
Participants who report their delay will be waited a maximum of 15 minutes. After this time the group will go out to carry out the activity, participants who are not at the meeting place will lose the right to a refund of the payment paid.
The meeting point for each activity is detailed in the reservation voucher that the client receives by email.
The meeting point for the canyoning activity is the canyoneers office in Aínsa:
Avenida de Ordesa 12, floor 0. 22330 – Ainsa (Huesca).
The meeting point for the via ferrata activity is the via ferrata parking lot in Broto.
The meeting point for the excursion to the Ordesa Viewpoints is the Broto parking lot.
If the client communicates to the company the desire to meet the guide at the point where the activity takes place because they are staying closer to it than to the canyoneers office in Ainsa, the company may facilitate a new meeting point.
The client must notify the change of the meeting point at least one day in advance. In the case of the canyoning activity, it is necessary to provide the height, weight and foot size (for the neoprene sock) of each of the participants via WhatsApp in order to prepare the material.
Dry and aquatic canyoning and via ferrata activities include a photo report for the participant. The company may request gestures of help or promotion in return. In the rafting activity, photos are charged separately, the price varies depending on the provider.
The client will receive a copy of the photographs or a video, which can be downloaded from a server through a link that the company will send to the email provided in the reservation or via WhatsApp.
The participants consent to the use of photographs taken during the course of the activities, in the media and advertising campaigns that the company OUTDOOR PYRENEES S.L. consider appropriate. In the case of minors, the adult in charge authorizes consent to the use of the images by the company by assuming on his/her behalf each and every one of these General Conditions. Clients who do not wish to have their image used must communicate this in writing using any means of communication. In those cases the company will not use the images for such purposes.
The client agrees not to use and/or modify the images or videos for their own lucrative purposes, without due consent from the company and in any case the source will be mentioned.
The courtesy photos and/or videos that the guides take during the activity are free. The client must take into account the following observations:
The guides of canyoning and via ferrata activities are mainly in charge of the safety and development of the activity. It is not always possible to take as many photos as the client would like during the activities. They are photos and videos of the group in general.
The guides are not photographers, some guides take better photos than others. There are many factors that can influence each other depending on the daylight of the activity.
Errors can occur, the camera or card may be damaged, images may be lost, the camera or card may be forgotten, and other unforeseen events may occur. It does not usually happen, but participants must understand that it is a service that the guide does altruistically. The company will not compensate in any case for the loss or lack of photographic report.
Sometimes the company makes videos that are published on social networks.
Delivery times are around 3 days, normally the company tries to make them available for download on the same day or the next day. Photos taken in July and August may have a longer delivery time, due to the greater volume of work during these summer months.
The client has 7 days to download the photos, once this period has elapsed the download link expires and it will not be possible to access the photos. When requesting photo and/or video reports more than 1 month after the date of the activity, it is possible that some or all of the files have been deleted.
Anyone who considers it important to have a good photo or video report of the activities should consider the option of bringing their own aquatic or action camera. The company is not responsible for the loss or damage of clients' personal belongings.
The client has the claims form at their disposal.